Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Where Are Your Customers Right Now?

Here's how to increase your traffic and start growing your sales the easy way.

Getting website traffic or to your local business and store is vital for your blog success.

The first question to ask is, where is your traffic coming from?

WHERE are your customers right now?

I can answer this question very simply.

Your customers just like my customers are on social media!

Think about it... 

The Total Number of Users on Facebook Worldwide Is Over ONE BILLION! 

In the United States, 1 out of every 3 people are on Facebook. In India, 60% of Internet users are going online through a mobile device!

I never knew why social media is important to business until now...

Social media is a force to reckon with...

Your customers are using smart phones and mobile devices to find what they want. That means mobile marketing is even more important. Now is the time to go mobile!

By combining mobile marketing with social media, you have a very powerful method to get customers and expand your business.

And this brings me to my next question... what are they looking for?

WHAT do your customers want to buy?

Once you know where they are located, knowing what they want by understanding what keywords they are typing in will give you an edge over your competitors.

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